Saturday, March 31, 2012

Young Justice "Insecurity" Review

Yet another home runner hitter. This show at this point could surpass, JL/JLU. But the finale will tell which one is better...

This episode was Artemis focused, Artemis is in the top 3 of my favorite characters on the team, and I loved this episode.

We got a lot of Villians in this episode.
We had the return of Sportsmaster, and I have to say, he is one of my favorite Villians in the show, so manipulative and badass, defienetely a revamp compared to his lame comic book counterpart. We also had the return of Cheshire. Her manipulative additute with Artemis, and chemistry with Red Arrow is just perfect. Other recurring Villians appeared, Klarion, The Brain, and Professor Ivo. Sportmaster broke Ivo out of Belle Rece to bring a nano tech element to Starro, and Klarion brings a magic element. Dang, The League is gonna have a lot of trouble defeating Starro...

The plot of this episode was Red Arrow's return making Artemis insecure, and their doomed for failure mission. We also had an development in Artemis and KF's romantic relationship, things go well for them, until the end at least...

The episode ended with The Team (Maybe just RA and KF) not trusting Artemis was once again. And we also have a blackmailing ending again, Sportmsaster trying to get Artemis get back to her over her trust issues with The Team. I think there's a very high possibility we're getting a triple mole.Dang, Weisman and crew are creating an awesome mystery.

Overall, another fantastic episode.
4 and a half/5

Oh by the way, I'll have a review of the 1st episode of Ultimate Spiderman, and a review of the season priemere of the second season of Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes tommorow.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Young Justice "Agendas" Review

This episode knocked it out of the park. It was just that good. First and foremost, Superboy is my favorite member of the Team. His complicated relationship with Superman and his desire to live up to him, just made me love the character. This episode was about Superboy's return to Cadmus, and trust me, it did not dissapoint.

There was also a major subplot. the League voting on new members. Among the candidates were the Team (except Artemis, I believe) Icon and Rocket, Plastic Man, Red Arrow, Atom, Blue Devil, and Guy Gardner. We also see the League questioning their trust with Batman, Dr. Fate, and Captain Marvel. Batman saving Robin in order for Dick not to become like him, just gave A LOT more depth to Batman, and one of my of my favorite parts of the episode. Hal and John's reaction to Guy was just icing on the cake :)

This episode major plot was about Superboy, we find out about his programming, origin, and his half human donor. We also see the return of Cadmus, which is definitely a dream come true. We also have confirmation that Guardian is Red Arrow's uncle.....which is interesting.....

We also have Lex Luthor return. And think I like YJ Luthor more than DCAU Luthor. It's probably that his voice actor does an amazing job, and Luthor just seems more sinister here. We also have the revelation that there was a super clone before Superboy, named Match. I have to say, I definitely got a Superboy Prime vibe...

The episode ended with Superboy's second father is Lex Luthor and he has secret programming. Superboy's chance of being the mole has upped immensely.

I really, really, liked this episode. God, this show gets better with every episode.

GREAT episode,

4 and a half/5

Monday, March 19, 2012

YJ "Auld Aquaintance"- My Thoughts (MASSIVE SPOILERS)

I just saw "Auld Aquaintance" on YouTube in Portugese. I was disappointed. REALLY dissapointed. I was thinking all day about how Auld Aquaintance was going to be leaked. And I was excited. Usual Suspects was absolutely phenomenal.

This was just an OK episode. First, we have a JLA vs YJ episode. I don't think jamming that into a 22 min episode dosent't give a battle as epic as that Justice. Secondly, the ending really pissed me off. After 25 episodes of build up, we have The Light doing there usual "Everything went as planned....MWHAHA!!" They should've had The Light being defeated in season one. All of the fan girls on tumblr didn't like the new years ending where everyone kissed. That was actually a part I liked.

Overall, I was very dissapointed by this episode. I don't understand why this episode was lackluster. It was written by Greg Weisman for christ's sake! When I think of my favorite YJ episodes, "Independence Day/Fireworks", "Humanity", and "Misplaced" definitely come to mind.


Sunday, March 18, 2012

Theory- The Mole reveal in YJ "Usual Suspects" (MASSIVE SPOILERS ON Ep 25)

Young Justice Ep. 25, "Usual Suspects" was leaked on Friday, all I have to say is...


Now I'll talking about the mole reveal in ep. 25, if you do not wish to be spoiled about the identity of the mole, do not read further.

Red Arrow was the mole. HOLY CRAP. I really did not see that coming at all. Before watching ep. 25, I was suspecting, three moles (the team members who were suspected of being a mole), Robin as a double agent, Aqualad , Superboy, or M'Gann. But I have to admit, it makes sense. The Light NEVER said there was a mole on the team. All they said was that they had a operative on the inside/ inside source. At the spur-of-the-moment I just realized something, Sportmaster said exactly this, "Not bad Lad, better than your Team did in Santa Prusxa or Biayla. "Let's just say I have an inside source. VERY inside." He was referring to Roy, who was inside in the building with Sportsmaster and Kaldur. He could also get intel from the Hall of Justice, or Mount Justice.

Also, RA was clearly brainwashed, when Vandal Savage entered the Watchtower via zeta tube, Red Arrow had a confused look on his face. Or Maybe he had a Starro spore on him, and the effect was wearing off.

Ep. 6 "Infiltrator" definitely meant something for the mole storyline, meaning RA was brainwashed during that time.

Still, for all we know, RA is a decoy mole, and is someone else, probably, Conner.

But yeah, still shocked that Roy is the mole. Tommorrow, Ep. 26 will be leaked. I am absolutely pumped. Starro spores have taken over The League, and now they are The Light's weapons. The Team vs the most powerful heroes on Earth? How are a bunch of teenagers supposed to win? The results will be Intersting. In Weisman I trust that finale is GONNA be mind blowing!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Young Justice "Image" Review

This episode was GREAT. We finally get the answer to a long debated subject; is M'Gann a White Martian?

The villian's we got in this episode were Queen Bee and the return of Psimon. Psimon was great here, we also got a telepathic battle rematch between Psimon and M'Gann.

Robin is leader in this episode to switch things up. He was doubtful and a little...sad, when became leader, probably because of the devastating events of "Failsafe".

We also meet Garfield Logan in this episode. Oddly, his mom is the main actress of "Hello, Megan!" and has a striking resemblance to M'Gann. And I wonder why the heck would The Logan's would want to live in Biayla (or Quarac, I don't remember.) After Biayla ns attack The Logan's home, Gar is hurt and needs a blood transfusion. M'Gann gives him her DNA. Hmmm, maybe Megan's DNA gives him hus trademark green skin and animal shapeshifting.

This was a M'Gann focused episode, and we got to learn her secrets, well at least WE, the audience did. The Team watches the pilot episode of "Hello, Megan!" and Megan (the main character of the fake tv show) looks exactly like M'Gann. Also, we learn how M'Gann found out about the name, Conner for Superboy. Megan's love interest in the show is named Conner and looks like Conner, but with long hair. Coincidence? I think NOT.

When the telepathic battle occurs, we see M'Gann's true form, and boy is it UGLY. But when M'Gann reveals her true form to the Team, she lies to them. Hmmmm, M'Gann isn't that trustworthy..

This was a great episode, I thought it was a lot better than "Coldhearted".


Also, Queen Bee blackmail? Maybe M'Gann is the.........MOLE?

Monday, March 12, 2012

Young Justice "Coldhearted" Review

I have mixed opinions on Coldhearted. Back when Coldhearted, Image, and Agendas were leaked in Turkish, I was not really digging Coldhearted. But I decided till it came out on Saturday to give my full opinion.

Coldhearted is about Wally's Birthday. I did enjoy his little surprise birthday party scene. I love Artemis' reaction to Wally's birthday kiss from Miss Martian. That's when Artemis tells him the truth about M'Gann and Superboy :) Which was kinda harsh.

As if Kid Flash's birthday couldn't get any worse, while the team and the league team up, Kid Flash travels to Seattle to give a donor heart to a girl in need. We get to see Vandal Savage, but he gets a VERY minor role, but his fight scene was excellent.

So it turns out Count Vertigo was the villain the whole time. It was an attempt to kill the queen so Vertigo could become the king. When Kid Flash finally arrives to Seattle, one of his goons (disguised as a surgeon) steals the heart. Kid Flash's plan (faking the girl's dead via news) shows this kid really is a genius. Kid Flash and The Queen's conversation was really sweet.

People have been debating whether this a Light operation, it probably wasn't but they would have an advantage if one of their allies was king of a country. Also, yes the ice villains were definitely made the ice fortress'. But they were in their cells? That's BS. Belle Reve is in The Light's control and Professor Ivo is one of their prisoners.

To be honest, this episode was okay, it was fun, but the real highlight was Wally's character development. This episode didn't really hook me in. Next week's episode, "Image", is a one I'm looking forward to, the team will learn of Megan's secrets. (or do they?)

3 and a half/5